Deal with Depression On Your Own Using These 5 Techniques
Unlike many psychological disorders, this one is not even considered a health issue, let alone a mental problem. Depression has been around for so long that it has now become just a part of everyday life, and most of the time, we don’t even know that we are showing depressed behavior.
Depression does not only paralyze your mind; it also makes you stop feeling anything other than ‘nothing.’ It’s not like one can snap out of it whenever they want—a depressed body and soul needs healing and time to recover. That said,is it possible to do so, without becoming the center of attention for your family and friends, who will probably start judging you as soon as they learn about your condition?
Well, we say it’s possible, and you can help yourself without telling anyone about your problem. Here are five techniques you can use to feel better about yourself and deal with depression in your own way.
1. Do Whatever You Want

simonmigaj/Unsplash: Indulging in an activity you like may help lift up your mood
This sounds counter-productive, but it’s not. Under immense depression, you only want to lie down and do nothing, eat nothing and say nothing, but the first thing in the process of healing yourself is for you to become comfortable with your condition.
You can’t force yourself here, so just think about all the things you used to love and choose one to start with. Whether it’s listening to an old rock album or wandering aimlessly around a museum, or just making silly faces in front of the mirror—make yourself smile and feel upbeat, even if it’s only for a short while, it will still be considered a progress.
2. Step Up

enioku/Unsplash: Get out of your bed and catch some fresh air
You must be thinking, “What’s wrong with you?! I am not leaving my bed for this.” Depression certainly leaves you feeling like a dead-weight, and moving around is more like mountain climbing instead of a trivial task. But research claims that exercise not only relieves hopelessness but can also keep it away from you forever.
Only a 10-minute walk can lift up your mood for two hours, so imagine what an hour of stroll or even a run could do for you.
3. Depression-Free Meals

danielcgold/Unsplash: Eating good when you feel depressed is even more important than doing it usually
Did you know that food has a considerable impact on a depressed mind? It’s all actually connected to the way you feel. Depression does call for caffeine, alcohol, and snack foods to help you feel better, but it has an opposite effect on your health.
Instead of making you happier, these unhealthy things make you sadder than before, so opt for B-Complex rich foods, like beans, eggs, chicken, and leafy greens. There’s no motivational factor for eating healthy while depression has taken over, so take the good things as medication and thank us later.
4. Write It Out
Keeping everything inside is among the main causes of extreme depression. Sharing with someone is not always an option for a depressed person, so it would be helpful if you could just jot down everything and unburden yourself once and for all.
Whether it’s a piece of poetry, fictional story, or just plain old daily journaling—writing your feelings will help you cope with your symptoms much faster than you can do it on your own.
5. A Cup Full of Vitamin-D
Don’t take it literally; we are only talking about spending some time in the outdoors and enjoying the fresh air and natural light while also making your bones stronger.
Fifteen minutes a day is more than enough to spend in sunlight, so lie down (if that’s what you prefer), close your eyes, and focus on the heat you feel on your body, instead of what your depression-equipped mind is trying to make you think.
You don’t have to fight depression as an enemy to make yourself happy; you have to deal with it as an uninvited guest and politely show it the exit door, which will obviously take some time, so hang in there!