How to Know You’ve Reached Your Destination in Therapy
For anyone who’s been in therapy for years, once they build a good rapport and bond with their therapist, it seems harder to leave. Yet, if they’ve reached the goals for being in sessions, it might be time to actually put a stop to the appointments.
Knowing when you’re ready to face life without a counselor could be as confusing as the time you first questioned if therapy is the best choice.
So we’ve compiled a list of tips from a practicing Clinical Psychologist to help spot the telltale signs that you’ve reached the end of the road in therapy:
An Increased Sense of Well being

KieferPix/Shutterstock: Enhanced sleep and a stable (& better) mood are some of the signs
The irritability and reactivity to minor things that were overwhelming once have dissipated. You might be enjoying better sleep and less physical tension along with other changes in overall mood, that made you realize therapy was needed in the first place.
Unafraid to Be Bold

trommelkopf/Unsplash: Experiencing a boost in self-confidence
If you doubted yourself to make ‘this’ decision, or take ‘that’ job, you now feel ready for the bold move you’ve always wanted to make. Self-doubt has been replaced with self-confidence, and you finally see that you’re indeed ‘good enough.’
Detecting Unhealthy Patterns
You’ve gained the skill to spot your own negative formation of thought patterns. Even accept most of the thoughts as you now know are psychological processes that can commonly be experienced.
Compassionate to Self

fizkes/Shutterstock: Accepting oneself
Accepting yourself to be ‘whole as you are, right where you are’ has made you love yourself better. Even a negative thought occurrence is not a problem, as you are gentler and kinder now.
Automatically Using Skills Gained in Therapy
If you have been fighting depression, notice that getting off the bed is much easier now. Or realize that maintaining eye contact comes much easier to you now thatsocial anxiety isn’t a struggle.
You’re making steps in the right direction without even realizing it sometimes.
Met Goals
The goal you had at the first therapy session or the life you envisioned to have with successful treatment, have mostly come to pass.
It’s A Mutual Decision
Therapy requires collaboration. Either you and your therapist decide to end the treatment course since the set goals are met, or the client feels like they’ve got what they needed and isn’t willing to pursue any more treatment to other possible traumas uncovered by the therapist. This would mean the sessions must end.
While these signs would help you to recognize when to step away, it’s important to note that if the negative changes reoccur in your life, it’s always best to begin sessions once again. Don’t hold back, because you deserve to live as the best version of yourself.