Switched to E-Cigarettes? Vaping Could Be Really Harmful To Your Health
The first e-cigarettes were introduced in the market over 10 years ago as an alternative to traditional smoking. Since then, they have become widely popular amongst people, especially youngsters. A recent study raised the alarm by suggesting that vaping could also cause severe breathing issues. It means that the 15 million users across the world could be in harm’s way.
Is the smoke pen harmful?

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock: Vaping is much more dangerous than people know
Numerous former users of e-cigarettes have shared disturbing ill-effects of vaping. In 2019, two Utah teens vowed never to touch the vape after being diagnosed with a critical respiratory condition. While one of them almost succumbed to the ailment, the other was put in an induced coma.
Although many e-cigarettes don’t have nicotine or carcinogens in them, it can still be a potential hazard. The Centre for Disease Control and the American Lung Association is trying to come up with conclusive evidence but haven’t got far. Dr. Christy Sadreameli, a spokesperson for ALA, suggests that people should not pick up the pen anytime soon.
What do e-cigarettes contain?

Rain Ungert/Shutterstock: Minute aerosols cause life threatening problems
The illness observed in many users initially seemed like a bug, but there was no sign of infection. Most aerosols let out by e-cigarettes are very minute and can easily disrupt the functioning of our lungs. Besides, it consists of many toxins that can be hazardous if they enter our bloodstream. Sadreameli adds that these particles can be inflammatory to the body’s cardiovascular functioning and can cause heart diseases.
What about secondhand smoke?

Hazem.m.kamal/Shutterstock: Smoke emitted by e-cigarettes are equally dangerous
Secondhand smoke from vapes is often misconstrued as less dangerous as it is less dense than traditional cigarettes. The light and flavored vapor emanated by them gives a false sense of security to those around it. Bystanders should exercise caution since studies have shown that the e-cigarette smoke can be equally harmful.
How to quit vaping?
Following the de-addiction guidelines laid out by the FDA is the ideal way to quit. Moreover, you can talk to your doctor for personalized recommendations or make use of any of the quitlines available in your state. In the case of teens, the processes could be slightly different, thus requiring an expert’s intervention.
The lines are blurred when the question comes down to “how safe is vaping?” Plus, there is no explicit federal policy that makes its stance clear on its usage. Our best bet is to steer clear of all electronic smoking devices until the FDA approves of its sale.